Products & Services

Protocase manufactures fully finished custom electronic enclosures and associated parts from a wide variety of materials and components, in 2-3 days with no minimum order. Protocase also provides expert and affordable enclosure design services.

Structural Aluminum Angle

Aluminum is corrosion resistant and light weight.

It has a lower structural stiffness than steel (about 1/3), which must be compensated for by thicker gauge.

Powdercoat, No Finish or Grained Finish

Typically, stainless steel fasteners are used with aluminum. However, in some cases, zinc-plated fasteners are used, depending on the application.

Additional Notes for Fasteners with Aluminum: Aluminum fasteners are very soft and therefore have low physical durability. As a result, we do NOT stock them. However, there are some applications where they are useful, such as parts that have service in corrosive liquids such as salt water. Other combinations of dissimilar metals can cause galvanic corrosion.

Aluminum Alloy (Angle) - for CNC Milling and Welding

Aluminum Angle, also known as Structural Aluminum Angle, is a lightweight, corrosion-resistant extruded aluminum product with inside radius corners. Aluminum Angle is often used for structural applications where greater strength is required, such as braces and supports. This product is easily welded and CNC machined.

We are happy to order Structural Aluminum Angle as a non-stock request!
