Protocase manufactures fully finished custom electronic enclosures and associated parts from a wide variety of materials and components, in 2-3 days with no minimum order. Protocase also provides expert and affordable enclosure design services.
Rivets fasten two parts together though a concentric hole. The end result is a simple, aesthetically pleasing look that is durable and strong.
Protocase stocks blind rivets, which are sometimes referred to as POP rivets. With blind rivets, there is no access to the rear (blind) side of the joint.
For installation, the rivet is seated inside a hole that has been cut into the metal. Then, a blind rivet tool pulls the mandrel against the hat of the rivet. The mandrel’s bulge makes the edges of the rivet to expand down towards the material and permanently install the rivet.
Rivets can be used in many different ways in sheet-metal design. Here are a few examples:
- • Attaching smaller components to a larger assembly
- • Joining two faces of a single part together in order to increase rigidity
- • A simple alternative to welding two parts together
Domed vs Countersunk Rivets
We stock both domed and countersunk options for rivets.

As the name suggests, a domed rivet will have a slightly rounded top that will have a raised profile from the metal’s surface into which it’s being installed.

Countersunk rivets will have a flush surface with the metal, and requires a countersink in order for the rivet to sit properly in the material.
Stocked Rivets
We stock the following rivets:
Rivet Type | Diameter | Material Thickness Range |
Aluminum Blind Rivet, Domed | 0.094” | 2.388mm | .032” - 0.125” (0.813mm - 3.175mm) |
Aluminum Blind Rivet, Countersunk | 0.125” | 3.175mm | 0.126” - 0.187” (3.2mm - 4.75mm) |
Zinc-Plated Steel Blind Rivet, Countersunk | 0.125” | 3.175mm | 0.188” - 0.25” (4.775mm - 6.35mm) |
If you require another rivet for your design, contact us – we can order it as a non-stock request. These rivets may need to be ordered in a minimum quantity, are subject to vendor availability and may extend manufacturing lead times.
Design Tips & Constraints for Rivets
In order to properly install a rivet, the material into which it is being installed must meet the material thickness range noted above.
Rivets can be installed in any of our sheet metal types. We do not recommend cold-rolled steel that is not powdercoated, however, as the material will likely rust under the rivet head.
Powdercoat is typically applied prior the rivet process.
Rivets are compatible with secondary finishes such as anodizing, chemical film conversion and more, so long as the rivet’s material is compatible with the process.